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An Exclusive Art Experience Awaits SKYVIEW Hotel Guests

Unveil the secrets behind the unique pop art world of Rudy Meyer. In collaboration with the SKYVIEW HOTEL Bangkok, Rudy Meyer Studio welcomes hotel guests for a free private studio tour.

Plus, you will receive a limited edition artwork! (Free and without conditions)

A luxurious stay meets a captivating journey into the art world.
Secure your unique experience and your artwork.

Contact Us To Book Your Free Private Studio Tour and Get Your Free Artwork (7,000THB value) Today!

Click on one of the buttons to reach out and mention you are a guest at SKYVIEW Hotel Bangkok. Easy!

11/1 Charoenkrung 24, Bangkok
It is a 20-minute ride from the SKYVIEW Hotel

Opening Hours
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
From 1pm-7pm
By Appointment Only on Other Days